Our Blog
Welcome to the Luna blog, where you'll find articles to help support
you, your loved ones, and your family on the journey of recovery,
healing, and mental health and wellness.

The Spiraling Path of Best-Self
“Growth is a spiral process. Doubling back on itself, reassessing and regrouping.” —Julia Margaret Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way“Life is a journey up a...

Developing and Communicating Boundaries
Boundary work is one of my favorite subjects.My rock-solid belief is that living a life with healthy boundaries leads to greater joy, fewer resentments, and...

The Body in Recovery Part III: Body-based Practices for Emotional Healing and Discovery
Welcome back to our Body talk. So far, we’ve looked at the consequences of long-term substance abuse and important body-oriented considerations in early recovery, and...

Houston, we have a problem — with chemical addictions
HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM—WITH CHEMICAL ADDICTIONSIf Houston rarely appears on “ten best places to live” lists, the Bayou City nonetheless has much to offer:...

Spectrum 2016: Learn your “ABC’S of addiction”
SPECTRUM 2016: LEARN YOUR “ABC’S OF ADDICTION”October should be designated National Conference Month. In the lull between the schedule adjustments of September and the days...

A Moment in Time: The Gin Craze
Something happened in London in the early- to mid-18th century. It was called the Gin Craze. It represents a moment in time, perhaps a first...