Our Blog
Welcome to the Luna blog, where you'll find articles to help support
you, your loved ones, and your family on the journey of recovery,
healing, and mental health and wellness.

The Spiraling Path of Best-Self
“Growth is a spiral process. Doubling back on itself, reassessing and regrouping.” —Julia Margaret Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way“Life is a journey up a...

Treatment Corner: What the Heck is CBT and Why You Should Care
You may have seen the letters, C, B, and T tossed around on social media by friends and acquaintances in treatment and therapy. If you’ve...

Going Gently into 2022
The new year is upon us. Traditionally, the new year represents a time for fresh starts and new chapters, and for many, it’s a time...

Aftercare vs. Continuing Care
Often in dealing with addiction many people have a misconception of the severity of the disease, and what it takes to recover from it. Before...

The Family in Addiction and Recovery - Part II
Karpman’s TriangleWelcome back to our 3-part series about the family in addiction and recovery. In our last post, we explored some ways that addiction is...

The Family in Addiction and Recovery - Part III
Getting HelpWelcome back to our 3-part series about the family in addiction and recovery. In our first post, we explored some ways that addiction is...