Our Blog
Welcome to the Luna blog, where you'll find articles to help support
you, your loved ones, and your family on the journey of recovery,
healing, and mental health and wellness.

Marijuana: It’s More Dangerous Than You Might Think
Marijuana: It’s More Dangerous Than You Might ThinkMarijuana has long been the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States and many other Western...

What Happens When You Overdose?
What Happens When You Overdose? An overdose occurs when you take more of a drug than your body can safely process. Overdoses can be accidental...

Autopilot: Energy Saver and Saboteur
Autopilot: Energy Saver and SaboteurEthyl alcohol is the intoxicating substance found in beer, wine, and liquor. It is addictive and dangerous, but the truth is,...

Signs Someone Is Using Heroin
Signs Someone Is Using HeroinPeople from all walks of life use heroin every day. Contrary to popular belief, heroin users often maintain relatively normal lives....

Alcohol And Heart Palpitations: How Drinking Affects Your Heart’s Rhythm
Alcohol And Heart Palpitations: How Drinking Affects Your Heart’s RhythmMost alcoholic beverage advertisements always come with the "drink moderately" warning, as drinking copious amounts of...

Myths About Addiction
Myths About Addiction Recovery DebunkedHumans are creatures of habit, and with that comes opinions and assumptions. This can be quite damaging because instead of having...